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Student Assessment
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More Resources on this Topic

  1. Assessment-Capable Learners

    High school social studies teacher Bethany Petty explains how she helped her students use basic digital tools to track and take ownership for their learning.

  2. A Task Library

    Visit the Performance Assessment Resource Bank to explore a library of authentic performance tasks, searchable by high school grade level and subject area.

  3. The Power of Cultural Relevance

    Maya Kaul explains how performance assessment can support culturally-relevant learning for diverse students in this blog post for the Learning Policy Institute.

  4. The Testing Effect

    Scientific American delves into the research behind the striking finding that low-stakes or no-stakes quizzes and practice tests can boost student learning, not just measure it.

  5. The Fishbowl

    Watch this “60-Second Strategy” video from Edutopia to find out how a fishbowl discussion technique can help high school students provide constructive feedback to peers.

  6. Virtual Exhibition of Learning

    Circulos High, an XQ school in Santa Ana, California, rounded out the 2019-20 school year with a “virtual exhibition” of place-based, project-based learning.

  7. Student-Led Assessment

    Learn how some school districts are finding new ways to engage students in authentic assessment through Virginia’s Student-Led Assessment Network.

  8. Equity and Implicit Bias

    When assessing low-income students or students of color, adults can unconsciously apply lower expectations.
