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Helping ninth graders adopt a growth mindset can improve grades and increase enrollment in advanced courses.

Source: Nature

According to Carol S. Dweck, a psychologist at Stanford University, students with a growth mindset understand that intelligence and talents can be developed through perseverance and hard work. Because they know this, they are active, risk-taking learners committed to overcoming obstacles and striving for accomplishment.

By contrast, students with a fixed mindset believe basic qualities like intelligence and talent can’t be changed—so they spend their time documenting rather than developing their own capabilities.

It’s essential for adults who work with adolescents to ask themselves what they can do to help students develop the growth mindsets that will serve them well in college and work. Instead of saying, “You’re so smart,” what if teachers said, “You must have worked very hard.” When students say, “ I’m just not good at math,” what if teachers said “No one is born with a math brain. Anyone can achieve at high levels with hard work.” How can we help students better see the progress they make?

Witnessing traumatic events can have an impact on the physical development of a child’s brain. A supportive, caring adult can help overcome the effects of trauma by using five simple gestures.

  1. Celebrate. Use “put-ups,” not “put-downs.”
  2. Comfort. Stay calm and patient.
  3. Collaborate. Ask for their opinions.
  4. Listen. Show an interest in their passions.
  5. Inspire. Expose them to new ideas.

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