Laurene Powell Jobs
Co-Founder & Board Chair

Laurene Powell Jobs is the co-founder and board chair of XQ Institute and founder and president of Emerson Collective, an organization that uses philanthropy, investing, storytelling, and convenings to create opportunities and develop innovative solutions to spur change in education, the environment, immigration, and health equity. Powell Jobs also cofounded and serves as the board chair of College Track, a college completion program. Powell Jobs earned bachelor’s degrees in political science and economics from the University of Pennsylvania and a master of business administration from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.

Emerson Collective Emerson Collective

Emerson Collective

XQ works in direct collaboration with Emerson Collective, which is dedicated to removing barriers to opportunity so people can live to their full potential. Established and led by Laurene Powell Jobs, Emerson Collective’s work focuses on education, immigration reform, the environment, and other social justice initiatives. XQ is an independent affiliate of Emerson Collective.

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