As you’ve worked your way through the Develop modules, your team has explored the practical dimensions of implementing the vision for the new or redesigned school you created together during the Design phase. You’ve educated yourselves with resources and examples from leading innovators, researchers, and experts in some of the most technical areas of school change: staffing and human resources, student assessments, use of time and space, educational technology, school finance, and continuous improvement.
Throughout the process, you’ve pushed yourselves to think through the on-the-ground implications of your innovative design. And you’ve asked yourselves how to move beyond your close-knit team into the more public space of full-fledged implementation.
Implementation is where some might say the real work begins. This is the phase where your school team will need to dig in fully with the school district, charter network, or other governing authority. This is where, if you’re starting a new school, you will need to choose a school leader and perhaps a board, find and equip a facility, recruit and train staff, and build a community with students and their families. This is where, if you’re redesigning an existing school, you will need to start a process of transformation that will be satisfying and important, but also difficult and perhaps even controversial.
And that’s only the beginning. You will also need to plan a full program of superb, engaging learning experiences for the young people who depend on you, along with systems that support the work of great teachers and other professionals.
So, where do you go from here?
Use this Capstone poster and sticky notes to capture thoughts from your team about your immediate, short-term, and long-term next steps. Brainstorm ideas about who else can help, pitfalls to watch out for, and how to get others onboard with the spirit of transformation.