Mobilizing for Implementation

If you’re starting a new school, it’s time to map out your implementation steps.

If you’re redesigning an existing school, it’s time to map out a strategy for change.

Good schools start with good ideas. (That’s certainly true of all the XQ schools!) But creative inspiration is just the beginning of a process that can reach heights beyond the imagination of a school’s designers—or, unfortunately, can sometimes falter. The difference comes down to careful planning, staying true to a guiding framework like the XQ Design Principles, paying attention to detail, and working sequentially through some essential steps.

Questions To Explore and Discuss:

  • What does it take to create a great implementation plan? What mission-critical practices need to be built in from the beginning to create the culture and operations an innovative school needs?
  • How do you form an effective planning and implementation team? Who needs to be involved, at what level of commitment, and in what roles?
  • What gaps, barriers, and threats prevent effective implementation? How can a team maintain focus on its vision and navigate through challenges? How can a team adapt when its expectations don’t match reality?