Mari Koerner
The dean at ASU Teachers College encourages our nation to rethink how we’ve always done education to make it more responsive to how young people actually learn.

Dean of Teachers College, Arizona State University
Dr. Mari Koerner received her PhD in curriculum and instruction from the University of Illinois at Chicago. An English literature major in college, she began her career in education when she became a second grade teacher on the west side of Chicago. Currently, she is the Alice Wiley Snell Professor of Education and the Founding Director of the Center for the Art and Science of Teaching (CAST) at Arizona State University (ASU). From 2010 to 2016, she served as the dean of Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at ASU, and from 2006 to 2010 she served as a professor and dean of the College of Teacher Education and Leadership at ASU’s West campus. Formerly, she held faculty and administrative positions at Roosevelt University in Chicago and the University of Massachusetts Boston.