Design Principles Rubric
A powerful rubric that articulates what “rethinking high school” looks like in action.
The XQ Design Principles guide school communities to rethink high school so all students achieve the XQ Learner Outcomes. The Design Principles Rubric outlines the “look fors”— specific indicators of what the design principles look like in action.
Because XQ’s goal is to develop agency, capacity, and drive in communities committed to leading high school transformation, we created the XQ Design Principles Rubric to empower the long-term, iterative work of teams rethinking high school. These research-backed principles are foundational to the XQ school design process, which has been used in communities across the country to redesign their existing schools or design new ones.
The rubric helps educators, leaders, students, and community members see and understand where they are on their journeys to excellence—and learn the practical steps to move forward. Inside the rubric, educators can review “dimensions of practice,” detailed indicators designed to help place schools on a developmental scale (from emerging to sustained). The rubric paints a picture of what success can look like for schools and help chart a path to sustainable excellence.
Design Principles Rubric
A powerful rubric that articulates what “rethinking high school” looks like in action. This tool is designed to help high school communities gather and assess evidence about where they are on their journey to becoming the best high school they can be—a school that fully realizes its potential to achieve a bold, holistic, student-centered school design that uniquely manifests the XQ Design Principles.